Poster for the Fundraiser for the U of M
Polish Studies Language Program
speaker, General Walter Natynczyk (centre, standing right of the PSA banner), is
flanked by members of the U of M Polish Students' Association. Photo
courtesy of the U of M Polish Students' Association
The Canadian Polish Congress, Manitoba Branch, sponsored a luncheon in support of the Polish Studies Program in the Department of German & Slavic Studies, in order to raise money for the Polish Studies Fund. The event took place on Sunday, April 19, 2015 at the Garden City Canad Inn.
The well-attended event, included several dignitaires, including: His Excellency, Grzegorz Morawski, the Council General of the Republic of Poland (Toronto); the Honourable, Flor Marcelino, Manitoba's Minister of Multiculturalism and Literacy, and the Honourable, Melanie Wight, Manitoba's Minister of Children and Youth Opportunities. Present at the event, and representing the University of Manitoba, were: Dr. Greg Smith, Associate Dean of Arts: and Dr. Stephan Jaeger, Head, Department of German & Slavic Studies. The event also honoured the Department's Instructor for Polish Studies, Professor Magda Blackmore, who over the past decade, has built-up and greatly promoted the Polish Studies Program at the university.